Click-To-Fade Paragraphs (or other HTML Elements)
The trick here is to target all odd paragraph tags. This uses the very simple query language in jQuery: p:odd when authoring the sample in Glimmer.
< li id = "textToClick" class = "style1" style = "margin-top:20px;" >< a >Click this text to see all "odd numbered" paragraphs fade.</ a ></ li > |
< li id = "textToClick2" class = "style1" >< a >Click this text to see all paragraphs unfade.</ a ></ li > |
< div style = "font-weight:normal;" > |
< p class = "that" style = "text-transform:none;" >Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec consequat tempor |
velit. Ut nisi. Nulla egestas porta risus. Sed mollis nulla vitae lectus. Praesent |
augue felis, fermentum ultricies, tempus ut, auctor venenatis, elit. Fusce id massa. |
Sed turpis. Curabitur justo leo, tincidunt sit amet, bibendum eu, laoreet quis, |
augue. Nunc non orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, |
nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla gravida, lacus sit amet fermentum suscipit, metus |
odio varius dui, non consequat mi tellus sed nisl ...</ p > |
$( "p:odd" ).animate({ "opacity" :0.2},1000, "linear" , null ); |
$( "p:odd" ).animate({ "opacity" :1},1000, "linear" , null ); |
$( '#textToClick' ).bind( 'click' , fade); |
$( '#textToClick2' ).bind( 'click' , unfade); |