Rotating Banner / Image switch scroller jQuery

This sample was entirely created using the Glimmer image sequence wizard. Whether it be for advertising, mastheads for your website, or, perhaps, an image gallery for your photos, Glimmer can help. Just tell it which photos, and a little information on how you’d like them to act, and Glimmer does the rest.
<div class="slideshow"> <ul class="buttons"> <li class="active" id="button1"><a href="#" title="website named desire">1</a></li> <li id="button2"><a href="#" title="">2</a></li> <li id="button3"><a href="#" title="oomph">3</a></li> </ul> <ul class="slides"> <li style="visibility:visible" class="slide" id="image1"> <a href=""><img alt="website named desire" src="../images/home_masthead_awnd.jpg" /></a></li> <li class="slide" id="image2"> <a href=""><img alt="" src="../images/home_masthead_mix09.jpg" /></a></li> <li class="slide" id="image3"> <a href=""><img alt="oomph" src="../images/home_masthead_oomph.jpg" /></a></li> </ul> </div>
/* begin: slideshow */ .slideshow { position:relative; padding:0; margin:0; } .slideshow a img { border:none; } .slideshow li.slide { list-style-type:none; } .slideshow .slides { height:260px; margin:0; } .slideshow .slides li.slide { visibility:hidden; position:absolute; left:0px; top:0; } .slideshow .buttons { display:none; } .slideshow .buttons { display:block; position:absolute; z-index:100; left:0px; bottom:20px; margin:0; } .slideshow .buttons li { float:left; display:inline; width:30px; height:30px; margin:0; padding-left:11px; line-height:30px; background-image:url('buttonBg.png'); background-repeat:no-repeat; } .slideshow .buttons li a { float:left; text-decoration:none; width:30px; height:30px; color:#fff; outline:0; } .slideshow ul.buttons li a:hover { text-decoration:none; color:#0a0a0a; } .slideshow ul.buttons a:hover, .slideshow ul.buttons a { color:#666666; } /* end: slideshow */
jQuery(function($) { var timer; function button1_click(event) { $(".slide").css("visibility","hidden"); $("#image1").css("visibility","visible"); $("#image1").css("opacity","0"); $("#image1").animate({"opacity":1},300, "linear", null); $("ul.buttons li").removeClass("active"); $("#image1").animate({"opacity":1},300, "linear", null); $("#button1").addClass("active"); clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(eval("button2_click"),"3000"); $("#image1").animate({"opacity":1},300, "linear", null); } function button2_click(event) { $(".slide").css("visibility","hidden"); $("#image2").css("visibility","visible"); $("#image2").css("opacity","0"); $("#image2").animate({"opacity":1},300, "linear", null); $("ul.buttons li").removeClass("active"); $("#image2").animate({"opacity":1},300, "linear", null); $("#button2").addClass("active"); clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(eval("button3_click"),"3000"); $("#image2").animate({"opacity":1},300, "linear", null); } function button3_click(event) { $(".slide").css("visibility","hidden"); $("#image3").css("visibility","visible"); $("#image3").css("opacity","0"); $("#image3").animate({"opacity":1},300, "linear", null); $("ul.buttons li").removeClass("active"); $("#image3").animate({"opacity":1},300, "linear", null); $("#button3").addClass("active"); clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(eval("button1_click"),"3000"); $("#image3").animate({"opacity":1},300, "linear", null); } function OnLoad(event) { clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(eval("button2_click"),"3000"); } $('#button1').bind('click', button1_click); $('#button2').bind('click', button2_click); $('#button3').bind('click', button3_click); OnLoad(); });
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