Nice Product Slider with jQuery plugin

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FancyMoves is a great slider to show off services, products, or whatever you can dream up. The main image is enlarged to attract your focus. There are three ways to navigate to the next / last item: using your keyboard arrows, using the left and right arrows on the sides of the slider, or simply clicking on the next or last item in the slider.
- Images shrink as they leave the slider
- Keyboard Navigation
(use your keyboard arrows to move to the last / next product) - Click on images to navigate
- CSS opacity for rollover effect on buttons
- FancyBox built in for expanding images
(left / right buttons on rollover for other image views)
FancyBox is built in so you can have images enlarge with an overlay effect on the screen. Hovering over the enlarged photo shows arrows, allowing you to navigate to other images within the group. Any of the FancyBox features can be added to the code of course, for different effects including: speed, overlay styles, expanding transitions, etc.
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