simple jQuery and CSS3 text animations

Textillate.js combines some awesome libraries to provide an ease-to-use plugin for applying CSS3 animations to any text.
Let's start with the basic markup:
<h1 class="tlt">My Title</h1>
And your javascript should look like this:
$(function () { $('.tlt').textillate(); })
This will animate using the default options. To change the defaults, you can either use the html data api:
<h1 class="tlt" data-in-effect="rollIn">Title</h1>
or pass in options on initialization (see full list of options below):
$('.tlt').textillate({ in: { effect: 'rollIn' } });
You can also tell textillate.js to animate a list of texts with the following markup:
<h1 class="tlt"> <ul class="texts"> <li data-out-effect="fadeOut" data-out-shuffle="true">Some Title</li> <li data-in-effect="fadeIn">Another Title</li> </ul> </h1>
Notice that you can control the animation parameters on each text (<li>
) using the data api.
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