sexy image scroller jQuery plugin

Requirements: jQuery Core (latest), jQuery Easing Plugin.
There are five examples,
Easing effect + Prev and Next navigation,
$("#box1").sexyCycle({ easing: 'easeInOutBounce', next: '.next1', prev: '.prev1' });
Easing effect + Prev and Next navigation + Custom speed + Image cycling = False
$("#box2").sexyCycle({ easing: 'easeOutElastic', speed: 800, next: '.next2', prev: '.prev2', cycle: false });
One of the good things about sexyCycle is that you're not forced to stick with a fixed width of all images.
It's actually quite nice to use different width on each image.
Prev and Next navigation + Custom speed + Custom start
$("#box3").sexyCycle({ speed: 500, next: '.next3', prev: '.prev3', start: 2 });
Custom speed + Interval + Stop button
$("#box4").sexyCycle({ speed: 500, next: '.next3', prev: '.prev3', stop: '.stop', interval: 800 });
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