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Sliding Image Gallery jQuery Plugin

Created 14 years ago   Views 14268   downloads 3001    Author meadmiracle
Sliding Image Gallery jQuery Plugin
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The idea behind this plug-in is to display a varying number of images in an attractive and easy to use manner. The inspiration for this plug-in this iTunes album viewer. The SlidingGallery plug-in will take a group of images and turn them into a cyclical gallery of images which the user can click through. One image will be centered on the screen, with two smaller images off to the sides. The user can click either of the smaller images to bring them to the center, or the center image to enlarge it. For optimal use, this plug-in should be applied to seven or more images, but can work with fewer (images will be duplicated in order to bring the total to seven).

You also have the option to allow users to view your image alt tags as captions on the zoomed in images. If you choose to enable this option, a small arrow will appear in the top right corner of zoomed in images. Users can click this to drop-down a caption box containing some text that you define as a parameter on your image. If you choose, you can specify that your alt tags should be used as the captions. When the user is done viewing the caption, they can either click an up arrow to hide the caption again, or simply click on the image to hide the caption and zoom out. You can also choose the images to use for the up and down arrows, and the styling of the caption boxes.

You can see from examining the source of the demos that this plug-in fairly simple to use. Throw your images onto the page however you like, and define a few parameters on them. The critical part of this is that one of the images MUST have the startClass assigned to it. By default this is "start" but you can set it to whatever you like using the options parameter. Here's how I put the images on the page for my demo:

 <div class="gallery">
 <img src="Images/SlidingGallery/atat.jpg" />
 <img src="Images/SlidingGallery/babyLeia.jpg" />
 <img src="Images/SlidingGallery/cutout.jpg" />
 <img src="Images/SlidingGallery/gunslinger1.jpg" class="start" layout="portrait" />
 <img src="Images/SlidingGallery/gunslinger2.jpg" layout="portrait" />
 <img src="Images/SlidingGallery/lights.jpg" layout="portrait" />
 <img src="Images/SlidingGallery/lion.jpg" />
 <img src="Images/SlidingGallery/punisher.jpg" layout="portrait" />
 <img src="Images/SlidingGallery/royBatty.jpg" layout="portrait" />
 <img src="Images/SlidingGallery/stainedGlass.jpg" />
 <img src="Images/SlidingGallery/tower.jpg" layout="portrait" />

You'll notice that some of the images have a parameter "layout" set to "portrait." I imagine the intent is pretty obvious, but I should explain. SlidingGallery allows you to set a default layout of either "portrait" or "landscape." Any images that you send to the gallery that DON'T have a layout parameter of either "portrait" or "landscape" will be set to this default layout. Because the default layout is automatically "landscape," we only have to set the layout parameter on those images that should be portrait. Once the images are on the page and parameterized to your satisfaction, simply select the ones you want in the gallery and call SlidingGallery like so:

 $(function() {
 $(' img').slidingGallery();


Or you can do like I did in Demo #2, and change some of the options around:

 $(function() {
 var zoomFunc = function(dimension) {
 return dimension * 1.5;
 var shrinkFunc = function(dimension) {
 return dimension * 0.5;
 $(' img').slidingGallery({


And that's all there is to it!

Positioning the Gallery

If you want to include a gallery on a page with other content, it will probably be important to position it. For this purpose, you can use a container to allow your gallery to positioned wherever you would like. All you need to do is place all of your images within a containing element (such as a <div> or <td>), and give this element a height and width. The height and width are important, as they allow the gallery to be correctly positioned within the container. See below for an example:

 <div class="gallery" style="top:300px; left:0px; width:1000px; height:500px;">
 <img src="Images/SlidingGallery/atat.jpg" />
 <img src="Images/SlidingGallery/babyLeia.jpg" />
 <img src="Images/SlidingGallery/cutout.jpg" />
 <img src="Images/SlidingGallery/gunslinger1.jpg" class="start" layout="portrait" />
 <img src="Images/SlidingGallery/gunslinger2.jpg" layout="portrait" />
 <img src="Images/SlidingGallery/lights.jpg" layout="portrait" />
 <img src="Images/SlidingGallery/lion.jpg" />
 <img src="Images/SlidingGallery/punisher.jpg" layout="portrait" />
 <img src="Images/SlidingGallery/royBatty.jpg" layout="portrait" />
 <img src="Images/SlidingGallery/stainedGlass.jpg" />
 <img src="Images/SlidingGallery/tower.jpg" layout="portrait" />

Then, when you call the sliding gallery, pass your container through the options parameter:

 $(function() {
 $(' img').slidingGallery({
 container: $('')


A word to the wise, in order for the positioning to work correctly, the container's css position attribute is set to relative.

A Brief Word On Captions

The caption feature was added separately, after the rest of the gallery was completed, so it only seems appropriate to give them some personal attention. The idea behind them is to provide an alternative to the standard browser alt tags. Because different browsers handle alt tags differently, I wanted to provide a standardized captioning ability that would be consistant across browsers. Additionally, this feature will allow you to provide more detailed descriptions than might traditionally go in an alt tag. The most important part of the captions is that you can style them however you choose. I've exposed both the style element and class name of the caption box, so you can customize as much as you like. By default they are simply a partially transparent white box that drops down over the top of the image.


The following table has a listing of all the possible option settings, their default values, their valid values, and a brief description of each.

Parameter Default Value Values Description
container null A valid jQuery selector of a single container DOM object The element in which the gallery should be contained.
Lheight 300 A pixel value The height of a landscape image in the center position.
Lwidth 400 A pixel value The width of a landscape image in the center position.
Lshrink inputParameter * 0.75 A function that accepts a single integer parameter and returns an integer. This function is used to shrink landscape images in the left, right, leftStorage, and rightStorage positions. It is applied once to create the left and right images, twice to create the leftStorage and rightStorage (i.e. leftImage.Lwidth = Lshrink(centerImage.Lwidth) and leftImageStorage = Lshrink(leftImage.Lwidth)).
Lzoom inputParameter * 2 A function that accepts a single integer parameter and returns an integer. This function is used to enlarge landscape images for zooming on the center image.
Pheight 400 A pixel value The height of a portrait image in the center position.
Pwidth 300 A pixel value The width of a portrait image in the center position.
Pshrink inputParameter * 0.75 A function that accepts a single integer parameter and returns an integer. This function is used to shrink portrait images in the left, right, leftStorage, and rightStorage positions. It is applied once to create the left and right images, twice to create the leftStorage and rightStorage (i.e. leftImage.Pwidth = Pshrink(centerImage.Pwidth) and leftImageStorage = Pshrink(leftImage.Pwidth)).
Pzoom inputParameter * 2 A function that accepts a single integer parameter and returns an integer. This function is used to enlarge portrait images for zooming on the center image.
defaultLayout 'landscape' 'landscape' or 'portrait' The layout attribute to apply to any images whose layout is not specified.
startClass 'start' Any valid CSS class string. The class to use when determining which image should be placed in the center position at the start of the gallery.
slideSpeed 'normal' 'slow'/'normal'/'fast' or a millisecond value The speed of the slide animation.
zoomSpeed 'fast' 'slow'/'normal'/'fast' or a millisecond value The speed of the zoom animation.
gutterWidth 50 A pixel value The horizontal distance between images.
captionUpPath "images/SlidingGallery captionUpArrow.png" A virtual file path The location of the image you want to use for the "caption up" icon.
captionUpWidth 24 A pixel value The width of the "caption up" icon.
captionUpHeight 17 A pixel value The height of the "caption up" icon.
captionUpID "captionArrowUp" A valid HTML ID string The ID attribute to use for the "caption up" icon.
captionDownPath "images/SlidingGallery captionDownArrow.png" A virtual file path The location of the image you want to use for the "caption down" icon.
captionDownWidth 24 A pixel value The width of the "caption down" icon.
captionDownHeight 17 A pixel value The height of the "caption down" icon.
captionDownID "captionArrowDown" A valid HTML ID string The ID attribute to use for the "caption down" icon.
captionHeight imageHeight * 0.1 A function that takes in an integer value, and returns an integer value The function to use to determine the height of a caption. Must accept the height of the image as a parameter (note that this doesn't mean you have to USE it in your function).
captionStyle background-color: white;
color: black;
font-weight: bold;;
opacity: 0.6;
filter: alpha(opacity = 60);
font-size: 16px;
text-align: center;
A valid CSS style attribute The CSS styling to apply to caption boxes
captionClass "captionBox" A valid CSS class name The CSS class to apply to captions
captionID "activeCaption" A valid HTML ID string The ID attribute to use for the current caption box
captionTextAttribute "caption" A valid HTML attribute name The attribute name to take caption text from. Use "alt" if you want your alt tags to be used as captions.
useCaptions false true/false Allow captions to be shown