jQuery Checkbox & Radiobutton Plugin

ezMark is a jQuery Plugin that allows you to stylize Radio button and Checkbox easily. Its very small (minified version is ~1.5kb) compared to other similar scripts. It has been tested and works on all major browsers (IE 6/7/8, Firefox, Safari, Chrome) and it gracefully degrades.
It has the following Method:
$('selector').ezMark( [options] );
Basic Usage:
Include the CSS file:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/ezmark.css" media="all">
Then include the jquery.js file and the plugin file:
<script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript" src="jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript" src="jquery.ezmark.js"></script>
Now, call the following method (to apply on all checkbox & radiobutton across the page):
Likewise, you can also use custom selectors for checkbox or radiobuttons:
// to apply only to checkbox use: $('input[type="checkbox"]').ezMark(); // for only radio buttons: $('input[type="radio"]').ezMark();
options parameter accepts the following JSON properties:
Parameter's (JSON) Properties: | Explanation/Details of the Property |
checkboxCls | The Checkbox Class as per declaration on CSS. |
checkedCls | The Checkbox Class on Checked State |
radioCls | The Radio button's Class as per CSS |
selectedCls | The Radio Button's Class on selected State |
To customize the default checkbox/radiobutton image, change the background image (checkbox-black.png/radio-black.png) and CSS (ez-checkbox/ez-radio) and (ez-checked/ez-selected) accordingly.
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