jQuery MegaMenu
the popular jQuery plugin
- A completely revamped JS and CSS code-base.
- Easier to use. (A lot simpler HTML and JS needs to be used to initiate the menu)
- Customizable menu show and hide effects, with three available options of slideDown/slideUp, fadeIn/fadeOut and simple
- Customizable menu activation and deactivation actions. Now you can choose to activate the menu by click or by mouseover
- HoverIntent like feature embedded into the code-base so that we have smooth navigation by default without any external libraries.
- Automatic alignment of the menu content according to the width of the parent menu container.
- Variable width of the menu contents.
- Non obtrusive and easier to understand CSS.
In the header section of the HTML add the following:
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="javascripts/jquery.megamenu.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
We can replace megamenu with the class of the megamenu unordered list. To have the megamenu aligned to right just use the option ‘justify’:'right’
Next in your body add the following code:
<ul class="megamenu">
<a href="[removed] void(0)">First Menu</a>
<div style="width: 350px;">Contents of the first mega menu</div>
<a href="[removed] void(0)">Second Menu</a>
<div style="width: 350px;">Contents of the second mega menu</div>
Advanced Options and Usage
To have the megamenu activated on click use the ‘activate_action’ option as follows:
jQuery(".megamenu").megamenu({ 'activate_action':'click' });
// Can take 'click', 'mouseover' and 'mouseenter' as values only. Default: 'mouseover'
MegaMenu Show/Hide Options:
jQuery(".megamenu").megamenu({ 'show_method':'fadeIn', 'hide_method': 'fadeOut' });
// 'show_method' can take 'fadeIn', 'slideDown' and 'simple' as values only. Default: 'slideDown'
// 'hide_method' can take 'fadeOut', 'slideUp' and 'simple' as values only. Default: 'slideUp'
MegaMenu JS Shadow Options:
jQuery(".megamenu").megamenu({ 'enable_js_shadow':true, 'shadow_size':5 });
// 'enable_js_shadow' can take true/false. Default: true
// 'shadow_size' can take any whole number greater than 0. Default: 3
MegaMenu Align Options:
jQuery(".megamenu").megamenu({ 'justify':'right' });
// Can take left/right. Default: left
Enjoy the MegaMenu Plugin and do not forget to comment about it here.
If you like the plugin do share it.
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