jQuery('#list1a').accordion(); jQuery('#list1b').accordion({ autoheight: false });
You've seen it coming! Buy now and get nothing for free! Well, at least no free beer. Perhaps a bear, if you can afford it.
your bear, you have to admit it! No, we aren't selling bears.
get two for three beer.
And now, for something completely different. And now, for something completely different. And now, for something completely different. And now, for something completely different. And now, for something completely different. And now, for something completely different. And now, for something completely different. And now, for something completely different. Period.
Location-based state-saving: The active element is choosen based on location.hash: Click one of the links, then reload the page to see it in action.
jQuery('#navigation').accordion({ active: false, header: '.head', navigation: true, event: 'mouseover', fillSpace: true, animated: 'easeslide' });
jQuery('#list2').accordion({ event: 'mouseover', active: '.selected', selectedClass: 'active', animated: "bounceslide", header: "dt" }).bind("change.ui-accordion", function(event, ui) { jQuery('<div>' + ui.oldHeader.text() + ' hidden, ' + ui.newHeader.text() + ' shown</div>').appendTo('#log'); });
jQuery('#list3').accordion({ header: 'div.title', active: false, alwaysOpen: false, animated: false, autoheight: false });
Well, one ball, some guys running around, some guys hitting others with a stick. Sounds like fun, doesn't it?
Well, apart from the running part. Navigation example
var wizard = $("#wizard").accordion({ header: '.title', event: false }); $("div.title", wizard).each(function(index) { $(this) .next() .children(":button") .filter(".next, .previous") .click(function() { wizard.changeAccordion("activate", index + ($(this).is(".next") ? 1 : -1)) }); });