SlideItMoo 1.1 - image slider

Demo: Horizontal carousel

Use the forward - back buttons. First element is thumbnail no. 5 set with startIndex

1: Address Nam porta tellus ac urna
2: Ads Praesent pellentesque eros nec nisl
3: Calendar Vestibulum eleifend scelerisque purus
4: Comment Felis nulla iaculis lacus
5: Home Quisque neque. Donec quam ante, pulvinar vitae
6: Mail Suspendisse sodales turpis. Aliquam lectus
7: News Praesent pellentesque eros nec nisl
8: RSS Nam porta tellus ac urna
9: Search Praesent pellentesque eros nec nisl
10: Sign Vestibulum eleifend scelerisque purus
icons from Smashing Magazine

*It is not neccesary to use Slimbox to dislplay the full image. You can use other Lightbox script written with MooTools 1.2 or write your own.

Visit SlideItMoo homepage for more information on how to implement this script.